Jan 3, 2009

A Psychometric Study of the Chinese Version of the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills


This study examined the dependability of the Assessmentof Communication and Interaction Skills—Chinese version (ACIS-C)with psychiatric participants in Taiwan.
A convenience sample of 101participants diagnosed with psychiatric illness were recruited from fourday-care wards in northern and eastern Taiwan.
The results of the Raschanalysis showed that the ACIS-C items coalesced to form a measureof communication/interaction and the 4-point rating scale functioned asintended.
The ACIS-C differentiated participants into six levels of communicationand interaction skills.
The findings support the conclusionthat the ACIS-C is a valid and sensitive tool when used with Chineseclients. Moreover the study supports the generalizability of the Modelof Human Occupation concept of communication and interaction skillsto an Eastern context.

Hsu, W. L., Pan, A. W., Chen, T. J. (2008). A Psychometric Study of the Chinese Version of the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 22(2–3), 177-185.

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